Hand Made shops

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Custom Portraits / Art by Portraits of Memories, Inc 

Idaho Cedar Wood Signs


Pennsylvania Redware Pottery



 Sunburst Pottery are functional pieces and are made to give pleasure

 in their everyday use.


Wiltjey Pottery was established around 1971.

Today Wiltjey Pottery employ's 6 people to make their pottery.



Is a seamstress and designer. Her "bread and butter" sales are cushions and drapes, but her creative work is expressed here on Etsy.


Ingrid McEntire

Designer and Artist using recycled material to create the One of a kind Piece. 

Made in USA by an independent artist and crafter in my North Carolina Studio.! Handmade Scarves, Neck Warmers, Cowls and shawls are on Sale!!!

A link to her Artfire shop




Sock Puppets by Sockett


1000 clay push molds to choose from!



In the gallery, you will find my fused glass sculptures, lighting, lampworked buttons and beads.  I also show  fine art and contemporary craft done by other Nationally known Award Winning Artists in pottery, glass,  jewelry and more. 

"Ray and the Three Sharks" Kilnfired glass sculpture


Creek Gallery, winner of the Governor's Award for Excellence, offers for sale the work of over 200 of America's most accomplished craftspeople in a unique, relaxing atmosphere.



We make the best stoneware, especially mugs, for folks all over the country.

Deneen Pottery


Nikki's You-nique Keepsakes Boutique ... Creating personalized photo keepsake quilts, room decor, and much more! 'If You Can Dream It, I Can Create It!'



Hand crafted Pesky Bear baskets are made in New York! 

Pesky Bear
5059 Roszyk Hill Road
Machias, NY 14101

Denise products are made entirely in the US. In small towns in Virginia and Minnesota and in Chicago.

