This website does not ask for any compensation for listing any company.

There are no advertising fees paid to me at this time. It is a free service to help promote made in USA products. I hope to ads will support this site upkeep. I have spent hundreds of hours putting it together. I need a little compensation for my time too. 

I do the best I can to make sure everything is made in the USA but some companies do also import some goods so be careful and do not just take my word for it. Always ask the company that makes the product if you are not sure !

 Search this site and the web with Google



 About Me                    

 I am a house painter in  Chattanooga Tennessee. I was laid from my job of 25 years almost three years ago because of the housing bad market

   started my own painting business in 2009. I do try only to buy American made items for my company. This has not been easy or 100% successful yet! But I hope it will be soon.

We ( Martin Brothers Painting) want Americans to buy American  made products. Please buy Made in USA products for where you find them. We just want to help Americans find USA made or assembled products!   

    In my opinion it is better to buy Made in USA than assembled in USA but you can bet assembled in USA is better than made totally in China, Mexico, Japan, Korea or any other country.

    About This Website

 This website has grown and evolved over the last 6 months.

     Buying made in USA items should not be a chore. That is why I started this website. I just got feed up with trying to find American made products in the big chain stores. So after 3 or 4 Chinese made hand can openers I started my Facebook page.  It took several months to take off and start to get noticed. It is still not growing as fast as I would like. I want to help millions of Americans.  I have never thought about having a website until one day someone posted on my Facebook page that I needed a website and others like that post so I said I would make on. That was in August of 2011. This website has come a long way in that short time considering I do everything myself. I have hundreds of hours working on it to date. I hope that my store starts to make money and with help from Google I can improve this website and pay for the domain name and hosting and pay myself one day for all the hard work I have put into this website

     I will only sell drop shipped items through web links and or banners so you will be buying them from the retailer or the maker. I will get a small commission on the sale and hopefully it will help me keep up this website and with luck have some left over! 

 As of today August 31, 2011 I have a few of Jacob Bromwell banners that will take you to this great American company! When others become available I will put them on the store page. Just click on any banner or link to be taken to the company website to make your purchase or just look around. That way I hope to make a little money and you get the product for the same price you would have if you found them on your own