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The RocLok Hide a Key

Posted by Scott Martin on Friday, February 17, 2012 Under: Made in USA
 Update: This company has been put on hold for the time being. Lets hope it is not permanent.I won one and really like it. 

 I have been following this company for some time. I think they have a great product and it is something every homeowner could use. The RocLok Hide a Key is a outdoor safe for your house key. Never get locked out again. If you have a door knob like mine that is very easy to do since the know turns on the inside even if the door knob is looked. I think it would be good also in homes with elderly people. That way if they call 911 and can not get to the door the EMT or Police can get the key out of the RocLok Hide a Key and not have brake in. This could say someone a pile of money.
You now can get them with a hold down cable to keep someone from walking off with it. That to me seem like a very good idea and well worth the extra $20. You can purchase it either from Amazon or directly from the company. If you order from my Amazon link I think you get free shipping and that could save you a few dollars but you can not get the cable.

In : Made in USA 

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