November 21, 2012
Please people do not fall for the big box mentality thinking nothing is made in the USA anymore! We do make things and a lot of them just not as much as we should! These stores have caused great harm to America and the world in the quest for cheap prices. If you can just thing back before Kmart ,Walmart. Lowe's, Hills, Target, Home Depot, Big Lots, Best Buy, Staples, Office Depot and one and on. As a country we were in much better shape when we had small business selling most everything to everyone. If one went out of business it was bad but now when a big box store goes out of business it is very bad for the workers.
Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Random Thoughts
June 25, 2012
Today on Amazon I found these made in USA light bulbs made by Olympic Lighting. They say they will last 10,0000 Hours. I did the math and that is 416 days burning them 24 hours a day. 

Has anyone tried these? If so do you like them?
They are not cheap but if they last a long time they might be worth the price.
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Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Made in USA
May 10, 2012
I recently had the o
pportunity to try out some Moose Tags (cable identification tags). This is something nearly everyone needs. They are made in Florida with plastic stock made in Georgia. They are so easy to use a monkey use them if they could write and needed them! Now why did I not think of this? Or maybe I did but it was adhesive tape and it was hard to remove! These are much better and can be removed easily unlike the tape. So my advice is go buy a package of Moose Tags for you electroni... Continue reading...
Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Made in USA
April 1, 2012

I have told my Facebook fans about this for months. It is the EZ-DUZ-IT
Made in USA Can Opener 
I have not got one yet but I to get one soon. I have heard a lot of good things about it for fans of my Facebook page and reviews on Amazon. You can purchase it from my home page or right here. They are only $9.99 at the time of this post. Be sure to order $25 worth of made in USA items and get free shipping and pay ZERO tax!
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Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Made in USA
March 5, 2012
Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom... Continue reading...
Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Thomas Jefferson
February 17, 2012

Update: This company has been put on hold for the time being. Lets hope it is not permanent.I won one and really like it.
I have been following this company for some time. I think they have a great product and it is something every homeowner could use. The RocLok Hide a Key is a outdoor safe for your house key. Never get locked out again. If you have a door knob like mine that is very easy to do since the know turns on the inside even if the door knob is looked. I think it would be good a...
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Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Made in USA
February 17, 2012

I was recently informed that Publix store sold plastic drinking straws made by Gald in the USA. They come in packs of 40 and as I recall they are around $1.50 for 40.I have also found them at Amazon if you do not have a Publix near you.
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Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Made in USA
January 12, 2012
Hi all! It has been awhile since my last post and I have some great news for you. Today I became a affiliate of Cequal Products, INC. the makers of BedLounge Reading Pillow. They are made in the USA or they would not be on here! This is something I want to get myself for my wife. See she quilts and likes to do it sitting on our bed. I think this would be great for her but if not I would use it to watch TV while she is quilting! Well this is my plan. So her birthday is next month and I do not ... Continue reading...
Posted by Scott Martin. Posted In : Made in USA